
Suscribing to our newsletter

To receive our quarterly newsletter by email, please fill in the following form : Newsletter form

Contacting us

Our mission is to publish and distribute the Bible in minority languages. Our goal is to put the Good News of Jesus Christ into the hands of minority ethnic groups and assist their literacy development efforts.

For information or to request our services, contact:

MiDi Bible – Société Biblique de Genève
Ch de Praz Roussy 4b
1032 Romanel Sur Lausanne, Switzerland

Projects Manager: Luc Jouve
Director of Publications: Philippe Eicher

Supporting us

Since January 2017, MiDi Bible is a branch of the Geneva Bible Society. We are a non-profit organisation whose work entirely depend on the generosity of our supporters to accomplish our mission. IN 2025, WE WILL NO LONGER BE RECOGNIZED AS A PURELY CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION – DONATIONS ARE NO LONGER TAX-DEDUCTIBLE. BUT WE ARE WORKING TO BECOME CHARITABLE AGAIN.

If you wish to contribute to our effort, here are our bank account details:

Fondation Société Biblique de Genève
Chemin de Praz-Roussy 4bis
1032 Romanel-sur-Lausanne

Bank : PostFinance
CCP n° 12-12030-6
IBAN: CH53 0900 0000 1201 2030 6 (account in CHF)


Thank you in advance for your precious support in favor of all these peoples who do not have the Bible in the mother tongue yet!